Thursday, February 9, 2012

FastFood Nation Chapter 4

  1. What legal issues have been involved with fast food franchises?
  2.  In what particular legal action has the Subway fast food franchise been involved? (100-102)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fast Food Nation #3

Why haven't fast food workers unionized and what tactics have management used to defeat union efforts?

Fast Food Workers haven't unionized is because of the past history on some workers haven't been able to formally make a union because of legal actions taken immediately, & they just dont bother trying anymore. One of the reasons why fast food corporations don't want their workers to Unionize is because in other industries, labor unions have gained workers higher wages, formal grievance procedures, and a voice in how the work is performed. Tactics management has used to defeat union efforts are things like forcing them to take lie detector tests, interrogated them about union activities, and threatened them with dismissal if they refused to answer. They also sent a "flying squad" of experienced managers and corporate executives the moment union activity was suspected.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ch 2 Questions 1.19.12

Discuss the fast food industry's marketing to children and explore the ethics of targeting children, especially as they relate to advertising in schools. 

 i think the idea of marketing was great for the company but then there's the fact that children are very easy to influence and the way they did it by adding playgrounds, the famous happy meal was a great start. The way i see it is they saw it as, you have the children, you have the parents as well. Some parents worked a lot and berly had time to spend with the children and since they felt bad, they took them to McDonald's. As to with schools, i agree it favored the economy and the districts who were having struggles. iDont agree with the fact that when you bring in fast food into schools, it might lead to obesity. i dont think its a good idea to promote that kind of food in a school. schools should promote on how to be healthy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fast Food Nation Questions

Intro: How Is The 'American World View' Embodied In The Fast Food Industry?

The American World View is embodied in the fast food industry because i think that a lot of American culture is based on fast food. The United States runs economically by a great part on fast food. Most of the time the food tastes great and its very affordable so it makes it really easy for people to go to a fast food restaurant then going anywhere else.

Chapter 1: What Elements of Southern California "Culture" Contributed To And Encouraged The Development of Fast Food Restaurants?

Cars, People Needing Money and seeing that the business was giving result, & People wanting of a place to eat that was affordable and fast, were all elements of southern California's Culture that contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Source #4

Summary: People should take good care of their pets. The article talks about the arguments of why people should and shouldn't keep pets.

Central Argument: If your going to keep a pet, take good care of it.

Assertions: "Many people consider their pets to be members of the family, and treat them with love and respect. Also, keeping pets does not "use" the animals in the same way that factory farms, animal testing labs or circuses use and abuse the animals"

"Their lives are restricted to human homes where they must obey commands and can only eat, drink, and even urinate when humans allow them to."

Source #3

Summary: Germany was the first nation to include animal rights in its constitution, now they are finding new ways to replace animals in research.

Central Argument: Animals should have more of the same rights humans do.

Assertions: "Lawmakers said the government will also look at targeting more research funding to projects that seek alternatives to using animals for conducting experiments."
" Germany has become the first European nation to vote to guarantee animal rights in its constitution."